Apply to participate in this $50k grant for womxn changemakers
Dear ChangeMaker,
Now more than ever, womxn are being called to step into their authentic power to lead and transform our world. This is not an easy thing to do, given all the expectations and limitations that have been placed on us since childhood. And yet, it is vital if womxn are to bring their vision, their compassion, their creativity and their innate ability to lead to bear at this critical time in humanity’s history.
As I turn 50, I am launching the Fifty for the Future Initiative to support 50 female changemakers destined to light up the world because I strongly believe in the power of womxn’s leadership and it is work I love to do. To that end, I am granting 50 places in the Positive Intelligence program to womxn. Each place in this intensive and impactful program is usually priced at $1,297. That means I am giving away places valued at over $50k because I am passionate about supporting womxn poised to change our world.
If you feel you could benefit, I hope you will apply for this program. You can do so here:
What is included in the Fifty for the Future Initiative?
A place in the Positive Intelligence Program developed by Shirzad Chamine, which brilliantly synthesizes transformative tools and methods into a powerfully simple and effective program enabling you to improve your mental fitness significantly in just 6 weeks of practice and develop a positive, growth mindset. This program, which has been tested with hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams, Stanford students, world-class athletes and over 500,000 participants from 50 countries, will help you find greater inner peace and happiness while activating your inner Sage powers so that you can improve your relationships and your performance.
Six months of ongoing support to deepen your learnings and enable you to implement more of the tools and techniques of the Positive Intelligence program.
Participation in the Fifty for the Future Community of Womxn ChangeMakers, in which you will meet others from around the world and gather once a quarter to support each other in quarterly masterminds in 2023.
Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until all 50 places are filled.
You can apply, or nominate someone, using this form:
I can’t wait to hear from you and to learn more about your work in the world and your vision of change.
“Working through the PQ program with Rashmir is beyond valuable.
Before the program I thought I was pretty optimistic & positive but the program helped me identify & learn how to deal with harsh judges & saboteurs that I didn’t even know were there. Quite enlightening & extremely helpful.
By completing this program or any kind of work with Rashmir, you are doing yourself a huge favor, improving the landscape of your mind, but you are also doing a favor to everyone who you come into contact with & you are doing a favor to the world. ”
What is the Positive Intelligence program? Positive Intelligence is a program that leverages self-awareness and simple mindfulness exercise to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs to your inner Sage so that you can be happier and more effective in doing work that matters. Developed by Shirzad Chamine, author of the New York Times bestseller Positive Intelligence, and endorsed by Stanford University and hundreds of CEOs around the world, this program is designed to build mental fitness in simple and practical ways and is proven to lead to tangible shifts in just 6 weeks. It incorporates app-based training with a group learning pod experience, during which you will receive guidance and support from me, a trained Positive Intelligence coach and leadership coach for changemakers. If you have struggled to act wisely and decisively, overcome self-sabotage mindset challenges, or develop a meditation or mindfulness practice, the Positive Intelligence program is for you. You can learn more about it here:
When does the program begin? Selections will be made on a rolling basis from September until all 50 places are filled. Learning pods of 5 people will kick off each month. Each learning pod of 5 will run for 7 weeks from the pod start date. There will also be an opportunity for all 50 womxn to come together on a monthly basis in masterminds and for some ongoing coaching support as there is so much power and value in connecting.
What are the selection criteria? I am looking for womxn from around the world who have not worked with me before. It does not matter what country, industry or area they work in. Their potential and vision is more important. It is also ok if you are new to personal growth work and coaching, but you must be highly motivated to do the work so that you can get the benefits of the program. In addition, I will be looking for a global distribution of womxn. So please do think about womxn in your networks in Africa, Asia, and Latin America as well as North America, Europe, Australia etc. that you might spread the word to or nominate.
Can I nominate myself? Absolutely. If you qualify, please do apply.
Can I fund a scholarship for someone else? I am funding the 50 places in the core program. However, you are welcome to sponsor others for places outside of the Fifty for the Future Initiative. Please contact me to discuss how best to do that.
Can I join the program without taking up one of the Fifty for the Future spots? Of course. If you have not been through the Positive Intelligence program, it would be a pleasure to have you in the program in the future. Contact me to discuss upcoming start dates outside of this Fifty for the Future initiative.