Harness the Power of Purpose
To Create a Life you Love with Ease and Joy!
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”
This powerful group program will enable you to get crystal clear on one aspect of your purpose so that you can move into 2025 with clarity, confidence and courage.
You will:
Connect to your essence so that you can show up fully knowing where and how you can have the greatest impact in your work and life.
Identify and address the fears and beliefs that stop you from knowing and advancing one or more of the 4 components of your purpose.
Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom to guide you as you move forward in your life and work.
The program includes:
One coaching session with either Rashmir or Moni to kick start your journey and set your individual intentions for the program. This will help inform how we focus the group sessions to customise and optimise the journey and outcomes for you and others in the group.
Three 3-hour group seminars with Rashmir and/or Moni during which you will receive guidance and coaching together with your fellow Purpose Questers. (Experience the power of group coaching and peer support in this powerful container.)
A like-minded community of purposeful professionals for peer support, inspiration and encouragement during the Quest and potentially beyond. (People often support each other beyond the program.)
Tools, exercises and materials that you can use on your own in the future, whenever you are ready for your next level of purpose, impact, ease and joy.
Each group is limited to 12 people to keep it intimate and focused. This means you will get lots of personal attention and have the space and support to go deep, with direct coaching from Rashmir and Monika.
This program is different in four key ways.
While we have a proven step by step process that we use to guide clients to purpose clarity, we are taking a more customised approach with the 2024 Quest so that you can get the help you need in the areas you most need it.
Most purpose programs explore only mission (i.e. what you are here to do/achieve). In this work we look at the being, doing and becoming aspects of purpose and place a greater emphasis on the being aspects so that you can recognise who you truly are and bring more of yourself to everything you do. This is powerfully impactful in your personal and professional lives.
We take time to explore and work through inner blocks and barriers that may be stopping you from moving forward so that you can gain the clarity you need to confidently move forward with your life’s work.
We support you in connecting to the wisdom sources that know your purpose so that you can learn one or more of the four aspects of purpose directly rather than relying on indirect methods to deduce what your purpose might be. This allows you to benefit from ongoing guidance from your wisdom sources long after the program has ended.
This program is for you if:
You feel you are here for a reason, but can’t quite get clear on what or where to focus.
You have a sense of one or more aspects of your purpose, but aren’t sure of the best next steps.
You want to expand your impact in the world, but find it hard to do so.
You want more ease, joy and fulfilment in your life and work.
You want to bring the spiritual aspect of your life and work into the everyday for greater impact.
Ready to enroll? Click the link and sign up!
Have questions? Schedule a short check-in call with either Moni or Rashmir.
Upon signing up for this program, you will receive some preparation work to prepare you for the Quest and to start surfacing what’s already there and help you explore what is calling you to this journey so that you can set a clear intention for your Quest during your 1-on-1 Coaching session with either Rashmir or Monika so that you are ready to hit the ground running in the first group session.
The group sessions (3 hours) will be online on Zoom, and there will be a maximum of 12 people. So the sessions will be both deep and highly interactive.
1-on-1 Coaching Sessions: These can be scheduled prior to 5 November. We will work with you to find a suitable time.
Group Coaching Sessions:
Session 1: Tuesday, 5 Nov. 2024
Session 2: Tuesday, 12 Nov 2024
Mastermind ‘Office Hours’ for support and guidance (90 min.) on Tuesday, 19 Nov 2024 (optional)
Session 3: Tuesday, 26 Nov 2024
Call times are likely to be at 2.30pm UK time.
Although sessions will be recorded, it is essential that you attend all three 3-hour sessions to get the support you need to make the most of the Quest and the coaching container.
We (Monika and Rashmir) are certified, passionate, and deeply-experienced True Purpose coaches. As we have a new format customised to your needs, i.e. based on what clarity you already have about your purpose, we are offering the 2024 Purpose Quest at a price of only $1,497.
If you are a former client who has been through the True Purpose process with Moni or Rashmir, please reach out and ask about the Repeaters Price.
Pay In Full Bonus: Sign up and pay in full and receive:
Receive one 60-minute one-on-one deep coaching session worth $500 with either Rashmir or Monika to be utilised at any point during the program to help you when you feel stuck or challenge or need some 1-on-1 support.
Payment Plans: Payment plans and scholarships are available as needed.
This program is risk-free. It comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. If by the end of session 1, you are not convinced this program is for you, your payment will be refunded in full.
Have questions or want to touch base before you register, schedule a check-in call with either Moni or Rashmir.
“Dear Rashmir and Moni,
Thank you for this transformative experience!
I am delighted to have completed another chapter in my purpose journey which I would not have gotten to without your guidance and our group. I also have the tools to continue the journey guided by trusted sources rather than my head. I am noticing myself making smarter decisions about my boundaries and where I spend my time. I am shedding tolerances and gravitating towards meaning more intuitively. I am feeling more empowered.
You both work really well together to create a safe whilst also still challenging container that brings forth great dialogue, insights and ultimately change.
You both rock!”
““Thank you, Monika, for your guidance and support on my journey to discover my purpose. I consider myself a pragmatic and logical individual and I was blown away at the insights the Purpose Coaching process revealed. An effective mix of theory, coaching and deep reflection led me to decisions that have put my life on a completely new and exciting trajectory.””
How many will be in the group? The group for the core program will be limited to 12 people.
What if I can’t make a call? The 3-hour sessions are essential. It is important that you make these 3 sessions so that you can get the support and guidance you need to get the most of the program.
How often will you offer this program? We are not sure when we will offer this program again in a small group format. This truly is a wonderful opportunity to gain support from both Moni and Rashmir in this special container.
Is it possible to work one-on-one with Rashmir or Moni? It is. The advantage of group work is that you can connect with other like minded people and learn from and with others. The benefit of working one-on-one is that there is more scope to flex the timeline to suit you and to integrate other areas of coaching into the work as useful to support your aims and development journey. Please sign up for a conversation with either Rashmir or Moni and flag your interest in one-on-one work.
What if I have questions about the program? Rashmir and Moni are happy to answer any questions you have. The best way to do this is to schedule a check-in call with either Rashmir or Moni, or contact us via our contact pages and/or social channels.
How do I learn more about Rashmir and Moni? You can learn more about Moni via her website. Check out Rashmir’s about page, and watch some of her videos on YouTube.