Enlightened Leadership is a Game Changer.

I’m Rashmir. I’m a Coach, Consultant, Changemaker and Creator.

I help female founders, philanthropists and changemakers embrace and live into their life’s work. I love unlocking creative potential in people and organisations so that they can make the difference they are here to make with less stress and more ease, joy and flow.

By integrating head and heart, masculine and feminine, ancient wisdom and modern knowledge, local action and global understanding we can create a world that works for all.

It’s time. And it starts with you.


We were born to create in harmony with life.

But we’ve lost touch with who we truly are and how the world works. We default to force-based approaches to make change happen, instead of flowing with the evolutionary and involutionary potential inherent in people and systems. So it’s not surprising that change feels hard and challenging.

When we reconnect to our true selves and our higher purpose, cultivate authentic and sovereign leadership and attune to the potential of systems we work within, everything changes.


Embrace Your Life’s Work

Stop holding back who you truly are and the work that’s calling you.

Lead with Authenticity

Lead with clarity, confidence, power and authority

Unleash Your Team’s Potential

Turn your people into a high performing, creative team that amplifies your impact.


Our Mission

Kent County is one of the most severely underserved communities in Tennessee. To combat this adversity, Project Sprout seeks to nourish our neighbors at the most fundamental level with healthy food options and a strong support network. All members get a portion of each harvest and surpluses are donated to low-income families whose work schedules prevent them from volunteering.

With ten gardens and counting, Project Sprout has seen a significant improvement in mental and physical health for all participating community members. Other than lowering obesity, blood pressure, and depression rates, the crime rate has also fallen. Our children are doing better in school, reporting higher grades and aspirations, and better job prospects.

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Get Involved

If you live near one of our gardens, get involved to receive portions of each harvest. We accept volunteers regardless of skill level. There is a rotation in roles, but we’ll teach you all the skills you need to know. Teenagers 14 years and older can earn community service credits for school in addition to getting produce for their families. Donations are also vital to our growth, as we use them for seed, fertilizer, tools, and outreach.

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