
For generations, women and girls have long been told that they are too this or too that. Early in life we learn to dull and diminish who we are to fit in, to conform to the expectations and needs of others, letting boys and men be what and how they think they ought to be even though these roles are too small for all of us. And then, when women try to advance, to rise, to succeed within a world defined by men, we are told we are not x enough or y enough. If we're lucky, we're told something specific, e.g. develop a or demonstrate b and then c might happen. It's a challenging bind to be caught in. And it's a bind that keeps us from seeing who we really are and what we are truly capable of, because most of us have forgotten or gotten scared of our true power and potential.

It is time for that to change.

The call now is not simply for equal rights, or for equity and fairness. Those are all good things of course. But when we 'fight' for them within a frame that is too small for us, we stay constrained and contained. The call now is for wholeness and aliveness and being and bringing our full essence and gifts forward in the way only we can, with all our capacities, all our brilliance, and all that they will in turn call forth in others and in our world.

This is not about asking for a seat at the table. This is about creating a new table in which all are invited and have a seat waiting for them when they are ready. It is time to ditch the physical tables that keep us separate and open up the circle so all can sit and eat together around a larger fire. A fire of love and purpose and the call to create anew.

It is time to stand up and say enough. Just as women have been doing with respect to abuse and to lack of safety recently. It is time for women in all walks of life, in all spheres of industry, in all parts of our world to say enough. Enough! Stop playing small. Stop playing ego games that continue to destroy our planet, our health, and individual and collective wellbeing. It is time for a better world for all. Enough with the wars. Enough with killing. Enough with unnecessary power grabs and one-upmanship. Enough with trying to fill personal needs with meaningless things, in petty ways. Enough with deferring to false gods and false power. Enough with making others feel bad or small or powerless because you feel that way inside. Enough with strategies and actions that are born of weakness and fear. Enough with anything that does not advance truth, beauty and love.

Why? Because here's the thing. We are enough. You are enough. I am enough. Say it with me: I am enough. We are all enough. In our world, there is enough.

We have it in our power to create a world that works for all. It will not be easy. It will require courage. Dare to dream. Then listen for the inspired action you are being called to now, in this moment. And in the next. And in the next...

Let the creative impulse of Life or spirit (or whatever words you use for it) lead you forward. It is your birthright. You are enough. You were made for this time. Trust that. Own that. Act on that.

Remember, you are not powerless. To paraphrase Marianne Williamson, you are powerful beyond measure. You are more than enough.


Note: this was sent to my network via email on 24 February 2022. It felt timely to share it more publicly today. If you’d like to get weekly emails from me, you can sign up for my newsletter by clicking here.